Denys, 14 years
Chernivtci region
Updated: 26 december 2016 year
Denys tries hard to help educators. Most of all, he likes an easy cleaning. In particular, he willingly picks up his toys. When Denys is free from all duties and studies, he plays various games. The child likes both active and calm games. Besides, he enjoys drawing and painting.
Official information
Date of birth: 2011
ID of the child: 296576
Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home.
The child has a brother/sister
Denys 14, years
Chernivtci region
Denys tries hard to help educators. Most of all, he likes an easy cleaning. In particular, he willingly picks up his toys. When Denys is free from all duties and studies, he plays various games. The child likes both active and calm games. Besides, he enjoys drawing and painting.
Official information
Date of birth: 2011
ID of the child: 296576
Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home.
The child has a brother/sister
I have a brother/sister
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Where to contact?
Name: Service for Children of the Chernivtci Regional State Administration
Address: 20, Universytetska Street, Chernivtci, 58000, Ukraine
Phone: (0372) 52-2408