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Anton, 16 years

Donetsk region

Updated: 28 december 2016 year

Anton is picky in communication, and he only approaches the people he is well-acquainted with. But here is what Anton is not picky in – food. Anton's appetite is good, and almost every food pleases him. A feature of the characteristic of Anton is his conflict-avoidant nature. He also loves when people greet him, embrace and kiss him.
Official information

Date of birth: 2009

ID of the child: 283091

Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home.

У ребенка нет брата/сестры

The videoprofile of the child was financed by the Change One Life — Ukraine, charity fund.

You can also take a financial contribution to the creation of video-tapes for some orphaned children in order to bring them closer to their parents.

What are the first steps? Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Donetsk Regional State Administration

Address: 2, Myru square, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84313

Phone: (0626)48-52-23

Сайт: перейти


Anton 16, years

Donetsk region

Anton is picky in communication, and he only approaches the people he is well-acquainted with. But here is what Anton is not picky in – food. Anton's appetite is good, and almost every food pleases him. A feature of the characteristic of Anton is his conflict-avoidant nature. He also loves when people greet him, embrace and kiss him.
Official information

Date of birth: 2009

ID of the child: 283091

Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home.

The videoprofile of the child was financed by the Change One Life — Ukraine, charity fund.

You can also take a financial contribution to the creation of video-tapes for some orphaned children in order to bring them closer to their parents.

What are the first steps? Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Donetsk Regional State Administration

Address: 2, Myru square, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84313

Phone: (0626)48-52-23

Сайт: перейти

Select the family placement:
National Adoption
Foster Care
International Adoption

Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Donetsk Regional State Administration

Address: 2, Myru square, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84313

Phone: (0626)48-52-23

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