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Олеся, 18 years

Lugansk region

Updated: 13 january 2017 year

Лесе по душі математика, англійська та російська. Олеся — чуйна, добра дівчинка, і, незважаючи на юний вік, вже відмінна господиня. Леся з задоволенням наводить чистоту, допомагає дорослим з прибиранням і в майбутньому хотіла б стати вихователем.
Official information

Date of birth: 2006

ID of the child: 251565

Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home, international adoption.

The child has a brother/sister

The videoprofile of the child was financed by the Change One Life — Ukraine, charity fund.

You can also take a financial contribution to the creation of video-tapes for some orphaned children in order to bring them closer to their parents.

What are the first steps? Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Lugansk Regional Military-Civil Administration

Address: 32, Lenina Street, Severodonetsk, Lugansk region

Phone: (06452) 4-01-25

Сайт: перейти


Олеся 19, years

Lugansk region

Лесе по душі математика, англійська та російська. Олеся — чуйна, добра дівчинка, і, незважаючи на юний вік, вже відмінна господиня. Леся з задоволенням наводить чистоту, допомагає дорослим з прибиранням і в майбутньому хотіла б стати вихователем.
Official information

Date of birth: 2006

ID of the child: 251565

Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home, international adoption.

The child has a brother/sister

The videoprofile of the child was financed by the Change One Life — Ukraine, charity fund.

You can also take a financial contribution to the creation of video-tapes for some orphaned children in order to bring them closer to their parents.

What are the first steps? Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Lugansk Regional Military-Civil Administration

Address: 32, Lenina Street, Severodonetsk, Lugansk region

Phone: (06452) 4-01-25

Сайт: перейти

Select the family placement:
National Adoption
Foster Care
International Adoption

Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Lugansk Regional Military-Civil Administration

Address: 32, Lenina Street, Severodonetsk, Lugansk region

Phone: (06452) 4-01-25

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