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Valera, 15 years

Lugansk region

Updated: 11 december 2018 year

These boys are brothers. They are always together, always find common interesting games and help each other. The girl named Olesia is the elder sister of Mykyta and Valera. Olesia is a sociable, friendly and hard-working girl. She loves her brothers very much, helps them in a difficult moment and protects both Valera and Mykyta. Mykyta likes to study and dreams of becoming a pupil. Once Mykyta was the youngest in the preschool group and now he is the most intelligent there. Valera loves reading, playing with constructor kit and cars. However, the boy does not want to connect his future profession with automobiles.
Official information

Date of birth: 2009

ID of the child: 296516

Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home, international adoption.

The child has a brother/sister

The videoprofile of the child was financed by the Change One Life — Ukraine, charity fund.

You can also take a financial contribution to the creation of video-tapes for some orphaned children in order to bring them closer to their parents.

What are the first steps? Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Lugansk Regional Military-Civil Administration

Address: 32, Lenina Street, Severodonetsk, Lugansk region

Phone: (06452) 4-01-25

Сайт: перейти


Valera 16, years

Lugansk region

These boys are brothers. They are always together, always find common interesting games and help each other. The girl named Olesia is the elder sister of Mykyta and Valera. Olesia is a sociable, friendly and hard-working girl. She loves her brothers very much, helps them in a difficult moment and protects both Valera and Mykyta. Mykyta likes to study and dreams of becoming a pupil. Once Mykyta was the youngest in the preschool group and now he is the most intelligent there. Valera loves reading, playing with constructor kit and cars. However, the boy does not want to connect his future profession with automobiles.
Official information

Date of birth: 2009

ID of the child: 296516

Available family forms to take the child: national adoption, guardianship, foster family, family-type children's home, international adoption.

The child has a brother/sister

The videoprofile of the child was financed by the Change One Life — Ukraine, charity fund.

You can also take a financial contribution to the creation of video-tapes for some orphaned children in order to bring them closer to their parents.

What are the first steps? Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Lugansk Regional Military-Civil Administration

Address: 32, Lenina Street, Severodonetsk, Lugansk region

Phone: (06452) 4-01-25

Сайт: перейти

I have a brother/sister

Select the family placement:
National Adoption
Foster Care
International Adoption

Where to contact?

Name: Service for Children of the Lugansk Regional Military-Civil Administration

Address: 32, Lenina Street, Severodonetsk, Lugansk region

Phone: (06452) 4-01-25

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